7 Simple Tips for Clean Eating

Not long ago I heard the concept that “What you eat does matter”

I spent countless hours reading and researching how I could do this for MYSELF and MY FAMILY.

I was lacking energy, and always felt bloated and Natalie had terrible acid reflux and constipation.

I knew there had to be a way to solve these problems WITHOUT taking a pill.

I knew I could be in control of my health and I was determined to find a way.

I can't think of a better time than the start of a new year to set some goals on eating well and nourishing your body. 

Here are the 7 Tips I like to follow that keeps us on track and creating a very simple life.

1) Start reading labels

My criteria for food is: 5 or less ingredients, all ingredient names must be pronounceable and I have to be able to find it in my kitchen. You will be blown away at the ingredients listed in much of the food you can buy at the grocery store.

2) Kick the sugar habit

Our giant food system has found a way to put it into almost everything - and we're so addicted. 

Swap it out for natural sweeteners in moderation. The only sweeteners we use are raw honey, pure maple syrup and occasionally organic cane sugar.

3) Eat Fat

We've been taught that fat is our enemy and guess what… we've been so misled. 

Healthy fats are absolutely necessary. My recommendations for healthy fats include: raw grass-fed butter, coconut oil, high quality olive oil and pastured lard.

4) A Healthy Gut is Key

Gut health is one of the hottest topics in the "natural" world today. Research is showing that 70-80% of your immune system is found in your gut. They've also found the link of gut health and mental health. 

Raw milk is full of beneficial bacteria for your gut. It makes for a great, natural probiotic drink to nourish your body. It has various enzymes that may help improve the digestion of other foods in your diet when consumed in combination with raw milk.

Eating something fermented every day is a great way to populate your gut with helpful, immune boosting bacteria. The staples in our household are fermented raw milk kefir, & yogurts. If you don't think fermented foods are do-able, a high quality probiotic would be another great option.

5) Bone Broth

Every week I make a batch of fresh bone broth and freeze what we don't use. It makes a wonderful base to soup, for cooking rice, adding to hot chocolate, and homemade sauces! It costs you only pennies to make and is considered a "super food"

6) Dirty dozen

I know buying organic is not in everyone’s budget. If you can’t afford organic for all of your produce at least buy organic from the dirty dozen because these foods have the highest amount of chemicals. 

7) Follow the 80/20 Rule

Try to do 80% good and allow yourself a little slack once and awhile. Nobody is perfect and will never be.  

Most of our meals are SIMPLE and cooked from scratch.

It keeps things easy for me and our kids know what to expect for meals and snacks.

Plus it allows them to help me in the kitchen and the older kids can help prep meals.

Work on these tips 1 at a time, and don’t worry if you can’t DO IT ALL. Give yourself grace to learn.


Hi, I’m Rachelle Meyer fellow mom and farm wife.

I help moms feel confident nourishing their families.

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11 Benefits of Bone Broth
