3 Special Tips to Make This the Best Summer Ever with Your Family
We. Made. It.
Just *look* at those faces, my friends!
Those are the faces of accomplished farmers.
We had the best dairy breakfast EVER.
And we are pumped to celebrate a successful June.
And about the next couple of months of dirty hands, sunshine on our faces….and summer ice cream.
Summer lives in our memories because it nourishes our souls.
The warmth.... the fun.... the freedom... the sheer deliciousness.
And what kid doesn’t love summer?
They have the luxury of time, unbounded by school.
Time to explore, to make new friends, to lie on your back and watch the clouds billow across a blue sky.
The vivid aliveness and freedom of a child's summers can change her forever.
Your kids won't be kids forever.
This is the stuff their childhood memories are made of.
And you'll be glad when you look back that you took this opportunity to enjoy them.
As George R.R. Martin says, “Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.”
Does this sound like the summer your child is having? Or is he glued to an electronic screen?
You CAN reclaim summer for your family.
In fact, you can make this the best summer ever with your kid with not alot of time or money.
3 Tips to Make This the Best Summer Ever with Your Family
Commit to de-stressing and just enjoying your life this summer.
Kids pick up our attitudes, trust me.
If you're stressed, they'll be stressed, or at the very least call you out on it.
And they'll fight with each other and drive you crazy…on purpose.
And you deserve the most amazing summer as much as your children do.
Your positive attitude will create a relaxed, happy mood in your house.
It all starts with your mindset.
Start your day with some positive thoughts
Here’s a few of my favorites:
I know each day is a blessing and a gift.
Today is going to be a really, really good day.
I have all I need to make today a great day.
2. Plan some fantastic family memories.
Don’t wait. The key is to get out a calendar and schedule the things you really want to do.
Start at dinner tonight by asking everyone what they love most about summer.
Then ask each person to pick one thing for the whole family to do that will make their summer complete.
Here were some of my kids ideas:
have a baseball game at night(that was a key factor, ha) and complete with a supper on the grill.
Have a water day like dunking, running through sprinklers, a water balloon fight, and a slip ‘n slide.
Go biking in Decorah and get pizza and Stop for ice cream cones.
Have a campfire and roast marshmallows and hot dog
You get the idea.
Encourage your family to come up with their ideal scenarios and make a few of them happen.
Don't forget to take lots of photos.
3. Set aside some time every day to have fun with your child.
Seriously, this is so easy to do.
My kids think I’m the best mom ever just by laying in the grass and watching the clouds go by.
What matters is always how it FEELS, not how it LOOKS.
Keep it simple like running through the sprinkler together on a hot afternoon or counting the stars on a blanket in the backyard before bedtime, do at least one thing each day to connect and have fun.
Your child doesn't need a Martha Stewart activity trust me, I ain’t got time for Martha anything.
And That’s where my strawberry ice cream comes in handy.
Make this simple recipe with your kids and serve it up after supper while everyone sits in some lawn chairs.
The connection is what matters and your kids will love it.
Make this simple recipe with your kids and serve it up after supper while everyone sits in some lawn chairs.
The connection is what matters and your kids will love it.
Strawberry Banana Ice Cream
2 cups fresh or frozen whole strawberries
2 tbsp lemon juice
20 Noor Dates pitted (if using Medjool dates, use 10)
1 medium ripe banana peeled
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp sea salt
Make the strawberry sauce first so that it can cool while the rest of the ice cream is being made.
Put the strawberries and lemon juice in a small saucepan and bring the heat to medium. Use a potato masher to squish the strawberries into a sauce as it cooks. Let the sauce simmer for 10 minutes to reduce down. Set the sauce aside to cool for later.
Put the rest of the ingredients into a high speed blender and puree until smooth.
Pour the ice cream mixture into your ice cream maker, and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions, until the ice cream is thick, and the consistency of soft serve ice cream. My ice cream maker takes about 30 minutes to do this.
When the ice cream is done churning, pour half of the ice cream mixture into your freezer container(loaf pan, glass bowl, etc) . Spoon half of the strawberry sauce over the ice cream, and lightly swirl it so that it is distributed evenly. Then, pour the rest of the ice cream mixture into the container, and swirl the other half of the strawberry sauce into the ice cream
Freeze the ice cream at least 3 hours before serving. Let the ice cream container sit at room temp for at least 15 minutes to make scooping easier.
I’d love for you to leave a comment with some of your ideas to make this the best summer ever.
And don’t forget to share this with all your friends, they will thank you for it!!
Hi, I’m Rachelle Meyer fellow mom and farm wife.
I help moms feel confident nourishing their families.
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