Back to school means our mornings start getting CRAZY!
Getting 6 kids fed and 4 kids on the bus by 7:10 gets a little hectic in this house!
But no matter what, I still want my kids to get a decent meal before they head to school.
So, I thought I’d share a few tips on how I still make breakfast healthy, easy, & enjoyable with a family of 8.
3 Ways to Make Breakfast EASY:
1. Batch Cooking
Whatever you are cooking always make a double batch and freeze the rest. I do this with almost any breakfast food…egg bakes, apple cinnamon baked oatmeal, pancakes, French Toast, muffins, etc. You name it and it can be batched and frozen which will save you SO Much time!
2. Plan Ahead with Weekly Meal Plans
Here is a copy of one of our weekly meal plans. It’s nothing set in stone and I can change it whenever needed. This helps me make sure I feed my family well, and I don’t have to make a decision right away in the morning. Most of these meals I can pull right out of the freezer the night before and reheat.
I always add in fresh fruit & carbs as needed.
M-Fired Eggs and Bacon
T-Baked Oatmeal (apple, berry)
Th-Banana Muffins
S-Southwest Egg Bake
Adjust this to what your family likes most.
3. Simple Swaps
These simple swaps will help change how your family eats in the morning and don’t add any extra time!
highly processed maple flavored corn syrup ➡ REAL MAPLE SYRUP or HONEY
highly processed refined white flour ➡ sprouted wheat flour or sourdough
low fat flavored yogurt ➡ unsweetened whole milk yogurt with topped real fruit, maple syrup or honey, and nuts
instant flavored oatmeal ➡ overnight soaked oats
skim milk ➡ whole milk
margarine ➡ butter
highly processed breakfast meats ➡ pastured meats seasoned & cured naturally
As you can see these 3 simple steps can make your mornings calmer, happier and healthier!
I sure hope all of this helps you and your family have a great and healthy school year!
Hi, I’m Rachelle Meyer fellow mom and farm wife.
I help moms feel confident nourishing their families.
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