I’m pretty sure I can speak for most of us when I say living in this crazy world today has made me wonder if I am living my life to the fullest.
I spent a lot of time thinking about this and I came to realize…YES I am.
I am making every day count, I am being the best version of myself.
Want to know how?
If you're not living your dreams, I want to tell you my story so it will encourage you.
4 Years ago I went to a soil health conference with Jordan. We both just started researching the correlation between healthy soil - healthy animals- and healthy food.
I knew I wanted to learn how we could continue farming, leave a legacy for our kids to follow, and provide healthier food for my family and community.
After leaving that conference Jordan looked at me and said “ We are getting cows, laying hens, pigs, turkeys. ALL OF IT!” and guess what, one month later we bought our first cow and didn’t look back.
I was so excited to start this new adventure, but I was also very AFRAID.
How would we afford all of these extra animals? How would we get it all done with 3 small kids?
But I also knew that we would do whatever it takes to make this work!
What I learned from this experience is that by embracing that fear and taking a risk, it opened up a whole new life for myself and my family.
And I became a new person…
I learned to take better care of myself, have more patience with my kids, have more compassion for others, and how to be more disciplined.
And guess what…
I stopped letting fear of the unknown control me and put more trust in God.
I'm definitely not saying we live in some perfect farm world that’s full of rainbows where my kids never fight and nothing goes wrong, but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE WHAT I DO.
I know that life is busy and brings a lot of uncertainty.
Maybe now is the time you just let go and follow that dream even if it seems impossible. We only get one chance.
LIVING MY DREAMS makes me excited for the possibilities and fulfillment, connections and friendships, and lessons learned.
I get to spend everyday with those I love… doing what I love.
And because I am taking care of myself. It makes me a better mom!
I want you to have this too!!
You deserve to be happy, fulfilled, and doing something you're passionate about!
Leave a comment or send me an email to let me know - are you dreaming your life or actually living your dream? Do you need some encouragement to get started? I would love to help you follow a wild dream most people don't understand!
And thank you for being part of our journey as we live this farm dream.
I love being your farmer
~ Rachelle
Hi, I’m Rachelle Meyer fellow mom and farm wife.
I help moms feel confident nourishing their families.
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